Wednesday, March 18, 2015

New d'Uccle Chicks ! ( With a couple of Silkies thrown in. )

 This week we had some more chicks hatch out from the Porcelain hen and Self Blue rooster. Here she is in the food bowl with the chicks under her.
 Here is the chicks father who is a Self Blue Mottled d'Uccle.
 Above is the nest box that the hen hatched the chicks in, which was made using a board and a milk crate. I have found the d'Uccles tend to spend most of  their time off the ground if given the chance, and it seems also that they prefer to nest off the ground. Most of my d'Uccles won't lay eggs or go broody if the nest box is on the ground, so keeping the nest box about two feet off the ground has worked well.
 Here are the seven new chicks, two of which are silkies . The other five are purebred d'Uccles, one of which is a Self Blue Mottled. The fact that this pairing produced both Porcelains and Self Blue Mottleds is still puzzling to me but is probably because of the mix of Porcelain, Mille Fleur and Black Mottled genetics involved. ( To read about the parents' breeding click here * )

 This is the Self Blue Mottled chick from this batch, and the second one out of this pairing.
 Above is the Porcelain hen with all the chicks.
 And here is the rooster and hen guarding the chicks. By Bugs.


  1. Oh my goodness they are beautiful!!! I had a frizzle rooster and I loved him so much....he had so much personality!! Your porcelain hen and self blue rooster are sooooo pretty!! I hope I have chicks one day..:) Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Hi I am wondering if these chicks will be for sale? My daughter just lost her favorite porcelain hen:( This hen was her 4- h project so she was pretty devastated:/
    Thank you,

    1. Susan, Bugs often has chicks & chickens for sale. His chickens are very well socialized too.

    2. Kathy how would one go about working with Bugs to see if he is willing to part with any of his D'Uccle's chicks or hens? I am also looking for a few and they are very difficult to find here in the PNW

    3. Hi, I have 1 Porcelain rooster and a Mille Fleur pair that are 4 months old that I would be willing to sell. I also have fertile eggs available from Porcelains, Mille Fleurs and blue, black and self-blue mottleds. If you would like pictures of them and their parents, I can post some on the blog.

    4. Cole,
      First off THANK you so much for the quick response. I can not do a rooster as I already have a Cream Leg Bar and really do not want more than one roo plus he is in with my big girls and not sure I want a little roo. I would be interested in fertile eggs, however that is not something I have ever done. would you be willing to educate on how to hatch the eggs? I have a silkie who just finished being broady and I have a speckle Sussex who is currently broady.

    5. Hello again I have a mille fleur hen available also, and as far how to hatch the eggs its pretty simple I collect them and store them at room tempature until your able to get them and then you put them under your broody hen. Also if you would like I can hatch some for you I would just need to know what color and how many you would like.

    6. You are a doll. If you are willing to hatch that would be awesome. In a perfect world? I am looking for 1 millie, 1 or 2 black and 1 or 2 porcelain. of course you know I am looking for hens too, which you can not guarantee with hatching correct? I am going to send your grandmother my phone number and we can talk as I am not sure where you are located either.

    7. Would you happen to be participating in the Evergreen State Fair?

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