Monday, September 2, 2013

The Lacamas Fair

 At the last week of August I took my d'uccles to our old community fair for fitting and showing, above is Colonel Blue my cockerel that I hatched this January who got grand champion bantam, above is Colonel Blue with his ribbon although he doesn't have much color he will gain more with age, one of his biggest downfalls are his feather quality which I'm going to improve  by breeding my porcelains to my mille Fleur's .

 Above is Snowflake who I used for fitting and showing this year, I got grand champion for the Intermediate class using her, the difference between fitting and showing and open class is that in open class  you bring your birds drop them of for a few days while they are judged and you can be any age pretty much as where fitting and showing is for I belief ages 18 and under there are 4 groups ,Pee wee , Junior , intermediate and Senior the goal is to make sure your bird is clean demonstrate  how to hold, check for parasites and put your bird in and out of cages and also answer  questions about the breed and other kinds of poultry.

This is a picture of the ribbons my birds won , I entered some other birds besides the ones above, all my milles Colonel Blues Brother and some Porcelain hens.


  1. I have bee looking at your birds and think they are very smart. You give good information about each. Keep up the good work. Love ya! Miss Ginny7

  2. Congratulations to you and Colonel Blue!! Love your family pics on the sidebar too!
