The hen we believe to be the same variety as Oreo.
Mlle Fleur chicks.

Granny Baa's bantam black Cochins. I ( Granny) am growing very fond of these chicks, they alone are mine. Their personalities are very different from the rest of the chicks. These little black chicks are very friendly and docile. Not the least bit flighty, they amble over to me as I feed and water the chicks. They are also shaped like little black roly-poly balls. Watching them just makes me happy. I am very glad I added these chicks to the order of Mlle Fleurs, Porcelains, and de'Uccles.
Raising chicks is so much fun, and so interesting. The benefits of having chickens, both bantam and standard size are many, but pure entertainment ranks high on the list.These chicks chase each other, play with each other, and are also an on-going learning experience.If you are a bit stressed out, just grab a cup of coffee or tea and go on out to the chicken pen to sit a spell and watch the chickens.You cannot help but leave them with a smile and a chuckle...and maybe a little better perspective on your day. At least enough to help you wake up and begin anew another day, after all, your chickens count on you to come back and spend a little time with them. ( O.K. They need you to feed and water them, but that works for you , doesn't it ? )