On the 13th of this month I brought my bantam d'uccles to the open class poultry show at the fair , and after conditioning, washing, and dusting , my birds had good results. I am very pleased with how they did. Above is Crimson, my Mille Fleur at the fair who placed Reserve Feather- Legged which is second best out of all the other feather- legged breeds there, and he also got Best of Breed.
These are my two Mille hens, Feisty and Fluffy ,who were in the trio with Crimson, the rooster shown above. There are two things I think are important to showing. 1: Good practice at culling, because eliminating birds that don't measure up can help produce better birds, and 2 : Having the right setup for your breed can help keep birds healthy and in good condition, making washing birds for shows easier and reduces the risk of them getting sick.
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This is China one of my chicks from this January who got Reserve of the Porcelain color and out -did her mom who got this award last year.
This is Iceberg who placed Best of Variety , as you can see she was moulting her beard which the judge commented on as missing beard feathers, but overall great bird. She actually has the biggest beard of all my Porcelains.
These are my two roosters from this January. I did not get a photo of them at the fair but had one of them in my shed. The rooster on the left got 1st and the rooster on the right got 2nd, I also got a few 1sts ,2nds, and a 3rd from the other birds I entered , although I was competing against myself for the breed. All my birds got good comments compared to the comments of other breeds( like dirty bird , scaly leg, and wrong comb), I did however get Reserve Feather- Legged. I am glad my birds were able to get good placings.