Two weeks ago we went to Oregon for a poultry swap to sell the extra doves and chickens we had, on the way back we picked up four Silver Quail d'Anvers that were about 4 weeks old. D'Anvers are one of the breeds used to create the d'Uccle. These chicks will be used to breed a Silver Mille Fleur d'Uccle, which is a rare color in the U.S and since d'Anvers are closely related to the d'Uccles I won't lose a lot of type when I cross the two colors. Above is a Silver Quail rooster.
This is one of my Silver Quail d'Anver hens.
This is the Silver Mille Fleur color I will be trying to breed using the Silver Quail d'Anvers . Photo from
This is one of the new chicks hatched this week from the Self Blue Mottled rooster and Porcelain hen, this chick is a Self Blue Mottled.
This is a Porcelain chick hatched from my Porcelain rooster and 3/4 Mille Fleur 1/4 Porcelain hen.